Our Christmas was wonderful! It really was perfect and I am so thankful Ben and I had the day to spend together just as our little family. We woke up early, had a very yummy breakfast (cinnamon rolls, of course! This year we bought a frozen package from Whole Foods and they were delicious, I may even dare to say the best I've ever had!) and unwrapped our gifts in our jammies cozied up next to the fireplace (which was lit with candles, not a real fire) as Christmas music played in the background.
Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures from the day, but I'll hit on this topic in an upcoming post.
Ben and I have everything we need. With our spending money system, we both have enough to cover the fun expenses that come up throughout the year (for Ben it's usually music related and for me it's usually clothes). Considering that, we set a modest budget for our gifts to each other this year and both of our goals were to buy the other person something they want, but probably wouldn't buy for themselves. A little luxury item the other would love. Ben blew our budget out of the water. That boy spoiled me. I thought I'd get one "big" gift a few other small gifts, well, he got me three "big" gifts and a few smaller gifts. Rotten man!
First up were these cute PJs from the Gap that I'm so stoked on. I've told him a million time I've wanted cute pajamas, and he got me some! (Mine are similar to these with a matching top)
Then, because he's caught me a few times too many in his coziest sweatshirts, this:
Then he decided to spoil me a little with these:
The man was very concerned about my warmth and comfort this year!
Next up was for our trips backpacking. He made this decision carefully as he wanted something that both reflected my non-sporty style and yet would still function during for our more sporty activities (he did give me the option however, to exchange them barring I did so for another pair. He wanted to be sure I had a nice pair of sunglasses, but he didn't care what pair).
I decided to keep the pair he got me. They look pretty nice and they are a beautiful mahogany color. Plus, they're polarized which is better for fishing as it allows you to better see the fish as they are swimming below (or so my sweet husband says).
He also got me this book:
because he remembered I liked this book (which is a hauntingly good memoir. I loved and hated it at the same time and couldn't put it down):
Little things like that are such sweet statements of love. I had no idea he would remember me reading that book. I love that man.
I received a few other things in my stocking (I told you I was spoiled!) including some of my favorite candies:
and some awesome Sharpie pens for work:
I may be failing to leave out a few things, but everything he got me was so thought out and so sweet. Gift-giving is one of Ben's love language and he puts so much love into everything he buys me. Knowing that is almost sweeter than the gift itself...almost...just kidding, kind of.
Ok, now for my very favorite gift. I have wanted a Lisa Leonard necklace forever and I have debated buying one for myself, but I never did because I wanted it to be from Ben. I knew it would be more special if he picked it out for me and he put in the effort to give me something sentimental like that. Needless to say, I dropped major hints for something this year. I didn't give specifics, I just said I wanted a "special piece of jewelry" from him and changed his homepage to her website. You know, just in case he was curious! Eventually, a little blue and white polka-dot box made it's way under the tree and I just knew it was my necklace. However, the anticipation of knowing which one was driving me bonkers! However, when it was finally time to open that pretty little package (which he made me save for last), I saw the most perfect necklace. It is my very favorite design of Lisa's, which Ben had no idea about, it just happened to be his favorite as well.

The Teenie Tiny Initials necklace. A tiny S and a tiny B. So beautiful, so dainty, so understated yet lovely. It's perfect.
I seriously can't tell you how much I love my husband. Even though we've been through some rough spots thinking about him seriously makes my heart want to explode. I love him. He's different from me in that he's not wild and mushy-gushy about his love for me, but quiet, deep, solid and steady in it. I am a better woman because he is in my life. I am so thankful he is mine!
(being silly on our first married Christmas, 2007)
Oh, and in case y'all are curious, I got Ben
This Christmas was very Merry!